The following post is an insight into my though which is right now psychic. I might be wrong and science must have some evidence that what i am thinking is wrong. But then, read the post, close your eyes and ask yourself the same question that i have been asking. What does your mind tell you???
"What you see with your eyes are just illusions.... What you feel from within is the real picture....."
The above is a quote from an anonymous poster on one of the 'cool quotes' website. This has got me thinking. Can it be true? Are what we see with our eyes real? Or is it just an image that our mind creates. Does our mind project only things that we want to see??? I still dont have an answer.
I was thinking this and i just happened to pass by a mirror. I looked at myself. It suddenly struck me. Am i looking at an image of myself that others can see? Or do i look differently to others? Do i look the same to all of them? Or do i look different to each Individual??? Well.... i still dont have an answer.
This drove me to think further. I was getting a little irritated with myself for not coming to a conclusion!!! Are you really what you look like? Or is skin, flesh, blood & body just a vessel? Just close your eyes and think for a minute what you look like... Is it the same thing what you see in a mirror? Most of us would say yes. Now.... Take all thoughts out of your head... clear your mind.... and Think that you are someone else. Your whole structure changes..... Your imagination gives you the image that you want to see......
Do the geometrical shapes look the same to everyone? Is the triangle/square the same in everyone's eyes? Or is it just an image that our soul portrays?
There are lots of instances where people around the world saw an image of Jesus/animals/human face on a bark of a tree, on a rock, on even a wall. Is it really there? or is it just that our mind portrays the image?
So many times, we break our heads into wondering what a 3d image shows..... But is it really there? or is it just an illusion that our mind creates? Ever wondered if your dog can see the image what you see? Or is it only us, humans?
Mind and soul are very complex and complicated part of us. We do not know how it works. It is a master of its own.
Next time you look at yourself in the mirror, look closely.... You might look at another image of yourself........
Illusions.... Are everywhere..... It is layered.... It only complicates our mind.... Our thoughts..... But complications are good..... It gives us a new dimension to look at.......
Cheers \m/
Freeek - India's biggest online food & lifestyle guide
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
What you reap is what you sow!!!!
Most of you would have heard of the saying 'As you sow, so you reap.' It mostly is true..... But have you thought of the vice versa??? 'What you reap is what you sow'.....
They say that a kid is like a mirror..... It reflects what you give it. So in that instance, what you reap is what you sow from the point of view of the child. You must be wondering if you know someone like that.... I'l give you an example.
Take Kurt Cobain for one. His parents divorced when Kurt was only 8. This led to a huge change in his behaviour. He became more defiant and withdrawn. His mother got into another relationship after the divorce with a man who was abusive in nature. Kurt witnessed domestic violence almost everyday and this led to his aggression..... At an interview, he once said
'I remember feeling ashamed, for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn't face some of my friends at school anymore, because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that.'
Most of his songs are a reflection of the pain, the anger, the depression that Kurt Cobain went through....... This shows that what he reaped, that he sowed......
Every minute things in life causes major changes in your life.....
You might be pissed off one whole day just for the fact that the coffee you had with your breakfast was bad. As a result, your output towards everything that you do on that day is negative. Have you ever felt angry/upset at something but you don't know what? Ever felt uncomfortable without knowing what is it that is pricking your brains? Well.... for all you know, it could have been your favourite hero dying in one of the movies you watched last night..... It could be some song that you heard on the radio while you were having breakfast...... It might be something someone said sometime ago....... But all this leads to you being absent minded/angry/sad/disturbed for the rest of the day.......
So now.... Think again.........
'What you reap..... Is what you sow...'
Cheers \m/
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Took a hit for you again,
And i fall from the sky.
My wings have gone so numb,
But my body is still alive.
Im falling into the sea,
Of tears from your eyes.
All the pain you gave me,
Is burning me alive.
Dont worry that im burning baby,
Dont want you to shed no tears.
Dont you know I can rise from the ashes,
And spread my wings like a Phoenix. [X2]
I wish you were here,
My death is so near.
Just want to hold your hand,
While I lay on the sand.
Will wake up tomorrow,
And start a new life.
I want you in it,
Cos i love the way you burn me alive.
Dont worry that im burning baby,
Dont want you to shed no tears.
Dont you know I can rise from the ashes,
And spread my wings like a Phoenix. [X2]
Like a Phoenix...
I rise from the ashes.
I am a Phoenix....
I spread my wings and fly....
Like a Phoenix....
I rise from the ashes....
I am Phoenix........
Friday, August 13, 2010
Rock n rolla
8/10 people tell me that i am a disturbed kid when i tell them that my genre of music is heavy/death metal. They say that its evil. But think again!!!!
What you learnt as a kid is mostly evil too. Still havent got it? read on...
1. London Bridge- London bridge is falling down, falling down.
A. Why would you make a nursery rhyme about and sing it to kids about the London bridge falling??? Whats so merry about it??? It sounds more like a terrorist anthem to me!!!!
2. Ding dong bell- Ding dong bell, pussy's in the well. Who put her in? Little Johnny thin.
A. When you tell the kid not to do it, it goes ahead and does it!!!! So why would you want to put ideas into kids minds that the pussy cat can go into the well???
3. Humpty Dumpty- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
A. Someone falling off a great wall is not not a joke. And it just gets worse when we know he cant be fixed. How sadist is that to make a song of it and sing it merrily.
4. The bad girls lament- As I walked out of st. James' hospital, St. James' hospital one day. I spied my only fairest daughter, wrapped up in white linen, as cold as the clay.
A. Do I need to say anything about this??? How sad is it to teach a small kid who is just seen the light in their eyes?
5. Jack and Jill- Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down, broke his crown. And Jill came tumbling after.
A. This used to be my personal favorite until about a year ago. I was reading this out to a little kid and i realized how sad this is. I was really ashamed of it.
So next time u tell a rock fan that he is a sadist...... Or before you teach a kid what a rhyme........ Think twice......
Cheers \m/
Thursday, July 22, 2010
New Dawn
'The night is darkest before dawn'....
There are times in everyones lives where there is darkness and there is light. just when it seems that problem would never end, we see that small ray of light. a ray of hope that its going to get brighter. Life is that way.
I woke up one morning to stare at the darkness. The darkness looked right into me. Tightening its grip around me with each second passing by. I stood there looking at the sky. Helpless. Waiting for the dawn. A ray of light. My hope. It finally looked like it was coming. I could see a faint light far away at the horizon. My fear slowly started sinking. I was trying to fight back at the darkness with all my might. But soon, the faint light was covered. I soon realised that it was an eclipse. My ray of hope was covered. Very soon, I sank back into the horridly chilly darkness. It started consuming me from within like a worm in an apple. I am sinking. Without a life jacket. It all feels like i am falling into a bottomless pit. But still. I wait. I wait for the Sun to move away from the moon. I wait for my light to rescue me. To prove that my hope was strong.
Life is ups and downs. You do enjoy the light. But you do realise that soon, there will be darkness again. In this fight between darkness and light, there is no winner. There is only fear and hope. Its just how you take it.
There are times in everyones lives where there is darkness and there is light. just when it seems that problem would never end, we see that small ray of light. a ray of hope that its going to get brighter. Life is that way.
I woke up one morning to stare at the darkness. The darkness looked right into me. Tightening its grip around me with each second passing by. I stood there looking at the sky. Helpless. Waiting for the dawn. A ray of light. My hope. It finally looked like it was coming. I could see a faint light far away at the horizon. My fear slowly started sinking. I was trying to fight back at the darkness with all my might. But soon, the faint light was covered. I soon realised that it was an eclipse. My ray of hope was covered. Very soon, I sank back into the horridly chilly darkness. It started consuming me from within like a worm in an apple. I am sinking. Without a life jacket. It all feels like i am falling into a bottomless pit. But still. I wait. I wait for the Sun to move away from the moon. I wait for my light to rescue me. To prove that my hope was strong.
Life is ups and downs. You do enjoy the light. But you do realise that soon, there will be darkness again. In this fight between darkness and light, there is no winner. There is only fear and hope. Its just how you take it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Walls Are Closing In
Why do we like the world the way it was 10 years ago??? Isnt it the same world??? Have we grown up and started noticing things differently??? Then do the 'already grown ups' dont see a change??? Or has the world really changed??? Humans have gone so advanced with technology and what not that they can send rockets to outer space..... Technology lets you see and talk to a person who lives on the other side of the world....
We have surrendered ourselves to methods that take lesser efforts..... Does that make us lazy or does that make us effective???? Are we using the resources from the earth or are we destroying it???
Every day, hundreds of thousands of animals are killed by humans because we want them as fabrics so that we look fashionable; as decorative items to make our house looks better........ But we call them maneaters when a hungry Tiger kills a man to feed its children...... How many Snakes are being killed for entering people's houses???? What we forget is how many anthills and burrows do we demolish to construct a lavish house for ourselves???? Shouldnt in that case, humans be killed everyday by every kind of species in this world......
We cut trees so that we can build a house, to construct roads, to construct entertainment zones for us..... But do they ever complain???? Who gave us the right to kill all these species??? We pluck out unwanted plants from our garden calling it a weed.... But arent we the actual weeds spoiling the nature on Earth????
We humans feel so proud that we are the most advanced, intelligent, capable and supreme being on the face of this world.... But arent we the ones destroying it??? Was man supposed to advance in technology??? Was he supposed to build things like this. Would the world be safe if man lived like the way he did in stone age? We always think that we are moving forward.... But aren't we walking straight into the end???
We humans dont trust each other anymore.... We divided ourselves through countries, religions, cast and color... But arent we all the same???
We all think the world has become unfair...... We think that people are trying to con us all the time.... The world seems like its becoming a worse place to live in... We wish for the world to be like what it was 10 years ago.... But arent we the world??? Havent we imposed this disaster on ourselves? Everyday, we think that the world is getting smaller through reach of technology to every corner of the world. But the actual truth is that the world is like a big room and because of man.............
The Walls Are Closing In........
We have surrendered ourselves to methods that take lesser efforts..... Does that make us lazy or does that make us effective???? Are we using the resources from the earth or are we destroying it???
Every day, hundreds of thousands of animals are killed by humans because we want them as fabrics so that we look fashionable; as decorative items to make our house looks better........ But we call them maneaters when a hungry Tiger kills a man to feed its children...... How many Snakes are being killed for entering people's houses???? What we forget is how many anthills and burrows do we demolish to construct a lavish house for ourselves???? Shouldnt in that case, humans be killed everyday by every kind of species in this world......
We cut trees so that we can build a house, to construct roads, to construct entertainment zones for us..... But do they ever complain???? Who gave us the right to kill all these species??? We pluck out unwanted plants from our garden calling it a weed.... But arent we the actual weeds spoiling the nature on Earth????
We humans feel so proud that we are the most advanced, intelligent, capable and supreme being on the face of this world.... But arent we the ones destroying it??? Was man supposed to advance in technology??? Was he supposed to build things like this. Would the world be safe if man lived like the way he did in stone age? We always think that we are moving forward.... But aren't we walking straight into the end???
We humans dont trust each other anymore.... We divided ourselves through countries, religions, cast and color... But arent we all the same???
We all think the world has become unfair...... We think that people are trying to con us all the time.... The world seems like its becoming a worse place to live in... We wish for the world to be like what it was 10 years ago.... But arent we the world??? Havent we imposed this disaster on ourselves? Everyday, we think that the world is getting smaller through reach of technology to every corner of the world. But the actual truth is that the world is like a big room and because of man.............
The Walls Are Closing In........
Friday, March 26, 2010
The things I have lost
"I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."
-Martin Luther.
I stay awake deep through the night, thinking.... Why do we fear losing? Why do we feel sad and humiliated at losing. Why do we celebrate winning? Seldom do we realize that the other person has to lose for you to win. Are we so selfish that we take joy in other person losing? We do not want to lose. But we want others to lose!
The things I have lost are countless. But there is one thing in everyone's life that they dont want to lose. For some, it might be a person. For some, a materialistic thing! For some, passion. For some, faith.
No one has a right to steal that one thing from any other individual! The pain when someone takes away that one thing from you is uncurable. The pain that is involved in losing that one thing leaves a mark on you for the rest of your life. Losing that one thing makes you start hating yourself. It lets you wonder if you could go back and change the course of the event. Keeps you wondering- would you still be able to retain that one thing?
I hve been robbed of that one thing in my life. In the course of getting it back, I have come to an arms distance from it. But still, I cannot reach it. I would love to push myself forward and grab it. But it keeps moving back. I wonder if destiny doesnt want it to come to me. Or is it not the right time to grab it? I rest my faith in the almighty's hands and pray to him to keep it safe. To keep it from harm's way. I also pray to him that he let me take it. But only if that is his wish and only when time comes. Untill then, I am bound to the pain that dwells in me. That pricks me and reminds me. All the things I have lost!!!
-Martin Luther.
I stay awake deep through the night, thinking.... Why do we fear losing? Why do we feel sad and humiliated at losing. Why do we celebrate winning? Seldom do we realize that the other person has to lose for you to win. Are we so selfish that we take joy in other person losing? We do not want to lose. But we want others to lose!
The things I have lost are countless. But there is one thing in everyone's life that they dont want to lose. For some, it might be a person. For some, a materialistic thing! For some, passion. For some, faith.
No one has a right to steal that one thing from any other individual! The pain when someone takes away that one thing from you is uncurable. The pain that is involved in losing that one thing leaves a mark on you for the rest of your life. Losing that one thing makes you start hating yourself. It lets you wonder if you could go back and change the course of the event. Keeps you wondering- would you still be able to retain that one thing?
I hve been robbed of that one thing in my life. In the course of getting it back, I have come to an arms distance from it. But still, I cannot reach it. I would love to push myself forward and grab it. But it keeps moving back. I wonder if destiny doesnt want it to come to me. Or is it not the right time to grab it? I rest my faith in the almighty's hands and pray to him to keep it safe. To keep it from harm's way. I also pray to him that he let me take it. But only if that is his wish and only when time comes. Untill then, I am bound to the pain that dwells in me. That pricks me and reminds me. All the things I have lost!!!
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